Rules & Regulations

The Hope Rifle Range is for the exclusive use of Hope Rod & Gun Club members and approved guests only.

Club members must have their valid membership card visible at all times while on range property and produce them on request by any club official.

Guests of members must be under the direct supervision of members at all times while on the range. A Guest Pass must be filled out and a $5 fee paid. This is a requirement of the Hope Rod & Gun Club to satisfy insurance requirements.

Law Enforcement personnel may use this range only during official training sessions and while under the direct supervision of their certified firearms training instructor.

The range is not open to the general public, however for any other agencies wishing to use the facilities, please contact us.

Range Hours

  • Summer (Mar-Oct): 8:00 am — 8:00 pm
  • Winter (Nov-Feb): 8:00 am — 4:00 pm


Range Rules

  1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded
  2. Keep the action open until you are ready to fire
  3. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times
  4. Know your firearm and ammunition
  5. Be sure of your target and backstop – use club approved targets only – Authorized Club Targets
  6. Clean up brass, casings, and targets after use
  7. In case of squib loads (no powder) cease fire immediately as the bullet is probably lodged part way into the barrel
  8. Always hand firearms to another person in a safe manner, unloaded and with the action open
  9. Upon the command “CEASE FIRE” all firearms are to be unloaded, magazines removed, actions opened and firearm lain on the table or mat with muzzles pointed in a safe direction down range
  10. Keep fingers off trigger and away from trigger guard, until in position and ready to shoot
  11. During a “CEASE FIRE”, no-one will handle firearms, ammunition or equipment
  12. Persons not engaged in changing targets down range shall stand well behind the cease fire line
  13. Keep all firearms and ammunition secure as required by government regulations
  14. Absolutely “NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL” or any person(s) under the influence of drugs or alcohol permitted on the range
  15. Any person failing to comply with any of these rules may be asked to leave the range immediately and risk losing their club membership (without compensation)
  16. The Range Officer shall be the authority on the range and all directions from the Range Officer must be followed when present
  17. All guests must sign in before shooting and be accompanied by a member.  Maximum of three (3) guests per member and a guest fee of $5.00 each paid